Released on Amazon - Out Now.

Stranded upon a world and bereft of hope. Captain Mitsuko must rally her crew of the ‘Avenging Sun’ under a single purpose or fall prey to the Demons that inhabit the world.

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Souls born beyond this reality know no bounds to the hunger of pleasure. From feeding upon hundreds of billions of lives, their appetite for carnage has only festered into madness.

Now, the Ag’nagaruth begins to awaken after its long slumber in the dark. Could the coming of the ‘Avenging Sun’ space cruiser mean more than just a random event?

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Debut Novel; The Undying - Apotheosis

The Avenging Sun ventured deep within the Hades Nebula in search of its prize. Mitsuko, the captains daughter, readies herself to ascend her father and take the mantle of leadership to the dismay of half the crew.

As tensions run high, a series of events shipwreck the Avenging Sun upon a cursed world belonging to the Ag’nagaruth. With no way off world, the newly appointed captain must do all in her power to hold her crew together, as plots to overthrow her bleed to the surface.

The crew find themselves close to breaking point, their minds beginning to crack under the constant onslaught of violent imagery and a need to do harm that spasms the senses. Haunting memories from their past rise up and attack their sanity, making them inceptive to the whispers of unseen forces which beckon them on down darker roads.

As the fight for survival consumes them, the dark forces behind the vail make their intensions known, sending horde of horrors beyond this world to intercept. Where nothing is what it seems, and hope is nothing more than a forgotten dream, the crew of the Avenging Sun must come together or risk their souls being trapped forever within the realm of demons.