Self published debut author

Dear Esteemed Visitors and Readers,

I am humbled and grateful to address all of you, the incredible individuals who have embarked upon the terrifying journey through the pages of my sci-fi horror novel, 'The Undying - Apotheosis.' It is with utmost sincerity that I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and the time you have devoted to exploring the world of Toluphus.

This tale of survival against unspeakable horrors could not have come to life without your readership, and for that, I am eternally thankful. Your presence on my website and your enthusiasm for 'The Undying - Apotheosis' have been a tremendous source of inspiration and motivation throughout this creative endeavor.

Together, we have delved into a realm overrun by demonic forces, witnessing Mitsuko's courageous struggle for existence amidst the chaos. Your commitment to the narrative, your immersion in the story, and your willingness to accompany Mitsuko on her perilous journey have meant more to me than words can express.

Your feedback, messages of encouragement, and dedication to sharing the book with others have touched my heart profoundly. It is your collective support that fuels my passion for storytelling and empowers me to continue crafting captivating narratives that transport readers to extraordinary realms.

Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your presence and engagement on my website and within the world of 'The Undying - Apotheosis' have made this endeavor a truly remarkable experience.

Wishing you endless adventures and unforgettable tales to explore.

With heartfelt thanks

Karl Astirbadi